该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2009-8-26 12:59   只看TA 1楼

Janice 卫兰 《Morning》专缉歌曲morning 试听MP3

专辑介绍: Janice 在2005年凭翻唱黎明金曲「我这样爱你」和「情深说话未曾讲」的英文版而走红,转眼间推出了四张专辑。继去年《Serving You》,Janice 回归音乐的最基本,以她最擅长唱的英文歌唱出自我。
《Morning》是 Janice 出道以来首张全英文歌专辑,十首原创英文歌的曲风由爵士乐、法式惰怀、骚灵、摇滚至田园小品不等。主打歌「Rainbow」由新加坡音乐人Taz为她度身订做,以彩虹的七彩颜色来传达爱的讯息,Janice 在曲中演绎高音部分,尽显功架。碟内亦收录了她较早前为为宣扬毒害的讯息的禁毒歌曲「999」,曲中以节奏强劲令青少年有所共鸣。


When I hear the birds start singing
  I wanna see you
  Hoo, hoo, do do do do…
  When I see the leaves start fallin’
  I wanna see you
  The only thing I’ll do
  Don’t you know
  Is to rush and run to you
  When I hear the clock start ticking
  I start to miss you
  Ooh… The only thing I’ll do
  Is gonna dream of you
  Wanna stay by by by your side
  You are my everything
  You are my only link
  To the angel’s wings
  Talk about love love and
  I can’t stop thinking of you
  Such a crazy thing
  Like snow fallin’ in spring
  (You know every morning)
  When I hear the clock start ticking
  I start to miss you
  Ooh… The only thing I’ll do
  Is gonna dream of you
  I found my angel in my life
  I cannot see why
  I cannot see why
  We can’t be in love till we die
  Wanna stay by by by your side
  You are my everything
  You are my only link
  To the angel’s wings
  Talk about love love and
  I can’t stop thinking of you
  Such a crazy thing
  Like snow fallin’ in spring
  One day we’ll spread our wings
  You and me da, You and me da
  spread our wings do…do…do…
  Wannabe wannabe wannabe
  i wanna be, be your lover
  I’ll run to you… ooh…
  • tester 金币 +8 发帖辛苦啦! 2009-8-26 20:28
该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2009-8-26 13:09   只看TA 2楼
本人第一次在这个版块发表帖子,如有不妥之处,请版主和各位喜欢并欣赏此首音乐的网友见凉,谢谢!我早就想在这里发帖子了,无奈,以前级别低在这里受限制,现在刚好有权利在这里发音乐主题。我会把很多的好音乐发到这这里与各位分享。 我以前也经常来这个版块听音乐,发现现在的音乐质量与以前相比确实是下降了,原我们一起努力,在这里分享经典。

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